Fee Schedule
Squad Name | Available Weekly Water Time |
Monthly Cost |
Quarterly Cost |
Casual Rate 1 session/week |
Intro | 3 hours | $85 | $245 | $60 |
Green /Blue | 5 hours | $95 | $270 | $60 |
Bronze | 10.5 hours | $125 | $355 | – |
Silver | 11.5 hours | $140 | $400 | – |
Gold | 11.5 hours | $155 | $440 | – |
Power Hour | 5 hours | $100 | $285 | $60 |
Enrol Now
Terms and Conditions
- All Squad members are required to be financial members of Riverside Swimming Club
- Fees are payable via stripe on the online enrollment form
- Following the first payment subsequent payments will be debited monthly or quarterly from the date of initial enrollment
- Switching between squads will require cancellation of current subscription and a new enrollment form
- A separate enrollment form is required for each swimmer
- Should sessions be missed due to injury or illness payments can be postponed but not refunded
- Cancellation of subscription is required via email to sandy@swimit.com.au at least 7 days prior to debit date.