The aim for swimmers in the Green squad is to develop a ‘feel’ for the water and stability in technique across the 4 competitive strokes. A strong focus is placed on correcting technique whilst starting to teach swimmers how to understand what a correct stroke feels like in the water. This enables the swimmer to have a conscious awareness of their body position in the water and the ability to get feedback from the water assisting control and self-correction. Coaches will use the Green Standard JX Qualifying times as a target for swimmers and to monitor their progression.
Like the intro squad drills and skill work performed in green squad is body position focused. This further strengthens core body muscles to maintain correct technique and control when progressing on to challenging swim sets and especially when racing.
Green squad swimmers will be continually working on their squad training and race skills such as lane etiquette, dives, streamlines, tumble turns and finishes. Swimmers will also be introduced to the pace clock and structured swim sets.
Green squad sessions are carried out in squad format with a coach on pool deck and swimmers in the water. Weather permitted, swimmers may be asked to complete land based activities to help understand a certain skill.
Squad members are encourage to attend Riverside club days and may choose to attend target meets as directed by the coach.